Considerable experience as a marketing practitioner & academic

As a marketing practitioner with local, national, and international organisations – Stephen was involved in the design, development, manufacture, & sales management of a number of products. He has the experience of 3 business turnarounds and has demonstrated an ability to increase sales revenue, to reduce costs as a % of sales, & build the value of a business through quality relationships with customers and channel partners.

He also has considerable experience as a marketing lecturer, receiving many  awards as an ‘innovative’ and an ‘exemplar’ lecturer. Stephen has primarily lectured in Australia, however, he has also undertaken a number of overseas ‘guest’ lecturing positions. A characteristics of his career is his ability to communicate complex ideas in a simple, interesting, and logical manner. His practical and academic experience provides a ‘special’ insight to marketing and unpacking the steps to a sustainable competitive advantage.

Stephen’s Ph.D thesis explored marketing concepts and theories through the consumption experiences of acculturating migrant consumers. and to some degree The Marketing Concept e-books and companion content are an extension of his PhD.

Taking advantage of the online world his work is presented via two e-books one for academics and students and another for managers and businesspeople, accompanying the e-books is a comprehensive collection of companion material.

As you wonder though you will notice that Stephen has a love of business, travel, photography, & sustainable business practices.

Contact Stephen Fanning


feel free to pass on the page link to anyone who may benefit

Thank you Dr. Stephen Fanning for filling a niche that has long existed in the area of affordable marketing text books. Your book and learning environment was just what my students and I have been looking for, free and easy to use. All of my students are happy to use the free book you have created. If you are looking for novel option to replace expensive text books this is the solution that I can highly recommend. “

Dr Jari S.

Marketing Professor

Many times I have revisited the e-book to provide guidance in my work and assist me with my clients.  There are many great ‘take-aways’, and the e-book unpacks marketing theory and arranges it into three mega-marketing concepts this saves time and adds value. Stephen is a leader in this area and having ongoing access to this resource is a valuable tool to have.

Keith F.

MBA graduate

I wish your web site had been around when I teaching marketing. Absolutely  wonderful, I’m blown away and have never seen such a comprehensive site.

Retired lecturer

I have used this e-book extensively in my teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students. I find that the structure of the e-book allows students to easily grasp marketing theory and the application of marketing theory … in particular, I find that the circle of satisfaction explains and advances marketing – brilliantly.

Peter B.

lecturer & consultant

Thanks Steve for making this book available to everyone! It help me through uni and I’m still referring back to it for work. Highly recommended 🙂

Thanks for sharing – such a great way to level the playing field to provide real access to everyone! 

Wow what a great offer. This is the only textbook my students continue to quote long after they have finished your course.

Recommend downloading and reading this book 🙂 been very helpful for understanding some concepts both to do with marketing and normal business practices to encourage customer satisfaction with your ct team

I think this is the best reference book on marketing anyone could ever find, and one I certainly refer back to at different times. Enjoyed the marketing unit and using the e-book (read it from start to finish) – everything so professional!

This is a great piece of work I use this all the time as a reference for looking at how to Market my business

Awesome e-book highly recommend it puts everything simple

Great work Steve, very informative and covers a multitude of topics extensively- a must read for all students who study any aspect of marketing.

The marketing concept is such a good read; lots of great case studies, activities and examples. A great resource you’ve developed; congratulations and thanks for the amazing work you do.

Fantastic e-book, makes understanding the theories and application very easy. Will definitely refer back to this in future years.

‘Three years since I was in your class and still refer to it.’

I consider themarketingconcept e-book the ‘BIBLE’ of marketing.