the modules & module chapters include the slides, explanations, handouts, and videos to accompany the marketing concept [e-book]
In this module we provide a preview of he philosophy section of the e-book and provide a brief overview of the 3 modules marketing definitions, the evolution of marketing, and the objectives of marketing practitioners. The objective is to outline how marketing practitioners consider the discipline of marketing, the recurring challenges, and how the performance of marketing practitioners is judged.
The foundations of marketing knowledge are constructed in section 1; we will: holistically, discuss the values embedded in the marketing concept; discuss and define markets and marketing from both a buyer and seller’s perspective; Explore what is marketing and what is not marketing; discover how marketing has evolved and how history has revealed 4 marketing quests; identify the role of marketing in shaping society; identify how marketing has a role in the financial, strategic and communication objectives of an organisation
To ensure more effective and efficient navigation of themarketingconcept [e-book] we outline the 3X3 structure.This means 3 sections – [1] the philosophy of marketing, [2] the theory of marketing, and [3] the application of the philosophy and theory. With each section is then arranged into 3 modules. However, larger modules are arranged into chapters.
In this module we define the term ‘market’ to enable us to better define marketing. We explore two definitions of marketing a classic and a contemporary definition of marketing. By exploring two definitions we look at marketing from a consumers’ and an organisations’ perspective. Then we explain and overarching concept ‘profitable exchange relationships’ and discuss – what is marketing and what is not marketing.
In this module we explore the evolution of marketing. Due to the size of this topic it is broken down into two chapters [1] a societal perspective & [2] a theoretical perspective. The purpose of this module is the notion that there is a constant process of evolution and 4 recurring patterns present 4 quests for marketing practitioners – marketplace vigilance is needed.
Module chapters
Large modules have more than one chapter
In this module we present how different organisations may have different structures, however, there are recognisable marketing objectives. IWe identify and discuss the 9 objectives of marketing practitioners and how these objectives will enable organisations to achieve their financial, strategic, and communication objectives.
The theoretical framework for marketing practitioners will be presented in section 2. We will discuss how marketing practitioners have developed concepts and theory to consider and manage the situational factors of customers, organisation, market, and product. We discuss how it is worthwhile to consider the marketing concept as a giga-marketing concept comprised of 3 mega-marketing concepts – the buyer decision process, the total product, and the circle of satisfaction. We alsooutline that the mega-marketing concepts encompassed many milli-marketing concepts.
In this module we explore the key concepts that are central to the language of marketing practitioners. Introduce the 3 mega-marketing concepts [the buyer decision process, the total product, and the circle of satisfaction], and the hierarchy and relationships between the 3 mega-marketing concepts. Some concepts may require students to read and read the e-book as the academic meanings attributed to terms often differs to our day to day use.
In this module we explore the buyer decision process – the first of our mega-marketing concepts; the buyer decision process is about the decisions that people make throughout the buying and consumption process – it is a journey. The process will vary from simple to complex and is influenced by the situational factors – the customer, the organisation, the market, and the product [COMP factors]. As you progress through the 3 mega-marketing concepts it will become apparent that the total product and the circle of satisfaction are, linked to the buyer decision process.
In this module we introduce the 3 chapters of the total product – product considerations, product layers & product components. Whilst the first time zone of the buyer decision process was directed towards a consumer perspective the total product is directed towards the construction of the product from the organisation’s perspective.
Module chapters
Large modules have more than one chapter
In this module we discuss how satisfaction is estimated, assessed, and evaluated and how episodes of satisfaction may lead to cumulative satisfaction, aggregate satisfaction and collective satisfaction and how this may lead to trust, loyal behaviour, a competitive advantage, increased profitability, and ultimately organisational satisfaction. In doing so the circle of satisfaction is an extended view of the marketing concept.
How marketing practitioners apply a marketing philosophy and marketing theory through the CADDIE – business-marketing planning process is discussed in section 3. In the collect and analyse section of the CADDIE process, we discussed how marketing practitioners conduct a marketing audit to research the prevailing situational factors [COMP factors] of the customer, the organisation, the market, and the products to assess the market attractiveness and ability to compete. We noted from our previous discussion on the evolution of marketing that situational factors are constantly evolving and this requires the organisation to adapt, however, we also noted that marketing practitioners have areas of responsibility that must be continually researched and this required two types of marketing research – as needed research and everyday marketing research.
In this section we discuss organisational decision-making process; how marketing practitioners conduct a marketing audit, how through the Strategic Business Planning Group the market position and the basis of competition are articulated in a business plan, how through a strategic marketing plan strategies are communicated within an organisation and how through tactical marketing action plans the tactics needed to achieve the strategic objectives of the organisation are implemented and evaluated.
In this module we explore the CADDIE business-marketing planning process, including the 2 main types of research that marketing practitioners employ – as needed and everyday research – and how this research is employed in a marketing audit, is synthesised into a marketing audit report and a summary presentation to the Strategic Business Planning Group for further consideration.
In this module we outline the documentation process for the business plan, and the marketing plan, and how this leads to the tactical marketing action plans.
In this module we outline how the marketing concept and a marketing philosophy are documented in the business plan, the marketing plan and transformed from strategic intentions to tactical actions through the implementation, evaluation of the tactical marketing action plans which are then evaluated and where necessary result in corrective action to meet the stated objectives..
Module chapters
Large modules have more than one chapter